
Rabu, 20 April 2011

Windows Phone 7 to Get Update

Microsoft appears to be taking a fresher, more health-conscious tack with Windows Phone 7. While Google has opted to name updates to its Android OS after unhealthy sweet treats - Cupcake, Frozen Yogurt, and Gingerbread.

The next major upgrade to WP7, code-named Mango, will arrive sometime later in the year, eWeek reports, and it will come loaded with a number of fruitful upgrades.

Included in the upgrade will be new applications, such as Angry Birds and Internet Explorer 9, as well as augmented reality features that pair with a device's camera. Angry Birds may come to WP7 devices as early as May, along with the new Windows Phone Developer Tools, while both Skype and Spotify will roll out in the fall.

Mango will also reportedly introduce multi-tasking to WP7, which will allow music to be streamed in the background while performing other duties on the device.

What's been the hold-up?

"We felt it would be better to be a little bit patient, make sure that when we get updates out that they would happen reliably, and, unfortunately, that caused a delay in getting things out," Joe Belfiore, director of Windows Phone program management, recently told the audience at MIX11 conference in Vegas.

No solid date or timeframe for Mango has been released, and perhaps its due to Microsoft's speed bumps rolling out WP7 updates in the past that have caused the company to keep quiet.

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